Thank you, I managed to test Chris and yep, that entry is exactly for the invincibility.
So, to sum up, the playerTalent file contains all of the info about raid characters. The structure is the following:
01 V0 01 80 03 V1 03 V2 03 V3 03 V4 03 V5 03 V6 03 V7 03 V8 03 V9 03 V10 V11 03 V12 03 V13 03 V14 03 V15
V0 <char code > this is 2 byte long. All of the following are 4 byte long.
V1 damage taken
V2 pistol FR (fire rate)
V3 pistol RS (reload speed)
V4 shotgun FR
V5 shotgun RS
V6 smg FR
V7 smg RS
V8 rifle FR
V9 rifle RS
V10 magnum FR
V11 magnum RS
V12 granades effect radius
V13 Taijutsu damage
V14 knife damage
V15 knife attack speed
V16 invincible for 3 seconds after using an herb (value must be 1)
V17 dodge time
V18 regeneration
All bonuses are multiplicative. So for example, if I want to double my reload speed with an handgun, V3 must be 2.
Char codes known (at least for me)
1010 jill wetsuit
1011 jill BSAA
1013 jill pirate
0013 Chris Sailor
A010 rachel
A015 rachel ooze
If someone knows more characters codes we can complete this list.
Now, let's talk about weapon's tags in raid mode. They are descripted in the weaponTagParam file and the structure is the following:
01 V0 80 02 V1 03 V2 02 V4 03 V5 02 V6 03 ......
V0 is the tag name (3 byte)
Vi (i odd number, 1 byte) is the code of the effect followed by 00 00 00. (4 byte total)
V(i+1) is the corresponding value (4 byte, floating point)
values are always expressed as + bonus %. So, +150% damage will be coded as 150. The only exception are "perforation" (+x = able to pierce x enemies) and "attach scoope" that needs to be zero. Different tags may have different number of bonuses (and penalties), so the lenght os the tag description is variable. Here are the tag codes:
00 00 09 - Short Range
01 00 09 - Long Range
02 00 09 - Easy Grip
03 00 09 - Speed Shot
04 00 09 - Steady Hand
05 00 09 - Speed Load
06 00 09 - Sonic Assist
07 00 09 - Light Weight
08 00 09 - Sonic Assist+
09 00 09 - Short Range+
0A 00 09 - Long Range+
0B 00 09 - Rare "Named" Weapon
Here are the effect codes:
01 damage
02 short range (<4 meters) damage
03 long range (>6 meters) damage
04 Taijutsu damage
05 knife damage
06 stopping power
07 daze
08 critical chance
09 defense *
0A movement speed
0B dodging time
0C (no idea)
0D rate of fire
0E reload speed
0F magazine size
10 perforation
11 hit radius
12 recoil (negative values when you want to decrease the recoil)
13 number of slots
14 scope attached to weapon (must be 0)
*defense: I am not sure of what "defense" means. The google translation of the japanese guide isn't that good. It could be damage reduction but I am not sure. It is one of the hidden values of "easy grip" tag; the japanese guide says +9% defense.
Example: easy grip
01 02 00 09 80 02 04 00 00 00 03 00 00 A0 41 02 05 00 00 00 03 00 00 F0 41 02 09 00 00 00 03 00 00 10 41 02 0F 00 00 00 03 00 00 48 C2 02 0D 00 00 00 03 00 00 70 C1
02 00 09 easy grip code
04 bonus taijutsu damage with value 41 A0 00 00, that is 20 (20%).
05 knife bonus damage with value 41 F0 00 00 (30%)
09 defense with value 41 10 00 00 (9%)
0F magazine size bonus, value C2 48 00 00 (-50%)
0D rate of fire, value C1 70 00 00 (-15%)
So, let's say I want to remove rate of fire -15% and add daze +100%, all I need to do is to chance 02 0D 00 00 00 03 00 00 70 C1 with 02 07 00 00 03 00 00 C8 42 03. This is an easy way to mod tags, I don't know if it is possible to add bonuses or penalties (making strings longer), I haven't tested it.
edit: does anyone know where are weapons and parts values for campaign stored? I would love to mod some campaign stuff!