Hi there.
First, thank you again for re-upload this pack, ( had your previous version in my laptop, but when I tried re-download from the old forum, I found the broken link, nice to see here the new pack and re-organised).
The reason of my post was because I've got a question about exporting. I didn't noticed it with the enviroments, but trying export characters, I'm seeing that their meshes, appears on a side with a smaller scaling. Does anyone knows any efficient solution?.
(I use Noesis to pass the .dom / .mod into .FBX and open them on 3ds max).
Using 3ds max, I know the next way:
1º Save the rigging of all parts of each model,
2º delete their "Skin" modifier,
3º scale the mesh (I don't know how much, ¿200?) and positionate in the centre to make it fits with bones,
4º re-aply Skin modifiers and
5º re-load the envelopes information.
With this method, it works, but I wanted ask if anyone know another more comfortable (there are a lot of pieces in their hairs @_@) and acurate, (in the mine, I have to guess the scale and position, I try use the eyeballs as reference but even then, I'm sure I'm making certain human error). O.ò
Maybe there are not, whatever, it's not the end of the world, there are alternatives in this case, but I though I don't lost anything asking.