Post by DarkSamus on Dec 9, 2013 8:02:03 GMT 10
It is expected of all members to read, and abide by, the rules.
1) No -{ flaming }-. If you get flamed, don't flame back, all that does is make it worse.
2) No illegal content is allowed, such as posting info/links/etc. on how or where to pirate something. Discussing leaks or things of that sort is ok, but don't post any links or anything that helps illegal acts.
4) Absolutely no sexually explicit images or mods.
5) No spamming, of text or of images. Double posting is permissible for updates, and similar purposes.
6) Maximum signature size is 600 pixels wide by 200 pixels tall. If you have multiple images, they may not exceed this size.
7) Write coherently, and properly; the forums are much more readable when everyone writes neatly and cleanly. Put some effort into using proper punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and spelling.
8) No -{ backseat moderating }-. Constantly telling us, as moderators, whom to ban, will probably just get you banned.
9) Do not condemn other users for speaking in languages other than English. New topics should be in English, however, should discussion veer into another language, do not demand that those taking part in the discussion STOP speaking in a language they are probably more comfortable with. Do not demand that they translate everything, either.
10) Use all mods at your own risk. If you find a malicious mod, please report it to an admin and we will remove it. Mods that are non compatible with your computer and not reasons to report.
11) By using the website, you represent and warrant that you are at least 15 years old and are otherwise legally qualified to enter into and form contracts under applicable law.
Rules for specific forums
Modding Questions/Requests
1) Do not post titles containing only the word(s) "HELP", "REQUEST", etc.. Include a clear & concise description of your question or request in the topic title.
2) Post all RE4 re-upload requests -{ here }-.
3) Post all RE5 re-upload requests Here
Mod Releases / WIP Mods
Do not copy or modify other people's mods, without the explicit permission of those mod authors.
Unless your mod is an original creation, you are henceforth required to credit your source.
This means posting the name(s) of the user(s) or person / people who created the original model(s) and/or texture(s).
In the case of content ported directly from another game yourself, post the name of the game(s).
In the case of content ported indirectly (ie.: from other sites) (e.g.: using someone else's model rip), post the names of the user(s) who ripped / created the content, as well as the site that said content was taken from.
Just because it was not in the rules, does not mean you can't get banned for it.
1) No -{ flaming }-. If you get flamed, don't flame back, all that does is make it worse.
2) No illegal content is allowed, such as posting info/links/etc. on how or where to pirate something. Discussing leaks or things of that sort is ok, but don't post any links or anything that helps illegal acts.
3) All mods must include at least 1 screenshot so people can see what they are getting.
5) No spamming, of text or of images. Double posting is permissible for updates, and similar purposes.
6) Maximum signature size is 600 pixels wide by 200 pixels tall. If you have multiple images, they may not exceed this size.
7) Write coherently, and properly; the forums are much more readable when everyone writes neatly and cleanly. Put some effort into using proper punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and spelling.
8) No -{ backseat moderating }-. Constantly telling us, as moderators, whom to ban, will probably just get you banned.
9) Do not condemn other users for speaking in languages other than English. New topics should be in English, however, should discussion veer into another language, do not demand that those taking part in the discussion STOP speaking in a language they are probably more comfortable with. Do not demand that they translate everything, either.
10) Use all mods at your own risk. If you find a malicious mod, please report it to an admin and we will remove it. Mods that are non compatible with your computer and not reasons to report.
11) By using the website, you represent and warrant that you are at least 15 years old and are otherwise legally qualified to enter into and form contracts under applicable law.
12) No mods are to be locked behind a "paywall" to where you have to pay money in order to download, the reason behind this is that it could open our site up to a possible DMCA complaint if this became a widespread practice among our modders. We will however allow for modders who want optional monetary payment purely as a way of saying thanks or encouragement.
Modding Questions/Requests
1) Do not post titles containing only the word(s) "HELP", "REQUEST", etc.. Include a clear & concise description of your question or request in the topic title.
2) Post all RE4 re-upload requests -{ here }-.
3) Post all RE5 re-upload requests Here
Mod Releases / WIP Mods
Do not copy or modify other people's mods, without the explicit permission of those mod authors.
Unless your mod is an original creation, you are henceforth required to credit your source.
This means posting the name(s) of the user(s) or person / people who created the original model(s) and/or texture(s).
In the case of content ported directly from another game yourself, post the name of the game(s).
In the case of content ported indirectly (ie.: from other sites) (e.g.: using someone else's model rip), post the names of the user(s) who ripped / created the content, as well as the site that said content was taken from.
Just because it was not in the rules, does not mean you can't get banned for it.