letmelivegaming Hi, i'm not fully explored (don't finding sounds for now), but what i see is not that complicated in RE2 is just different way. As always many things could go wrong. I'm gonna try to explore and let you know.
EDIT: audio working, more experimentanion and i post info.
EDIT: i did edits just to 1 sound - chopper lift-up sound "051.wem".
letmelivegaming Maybe you can find info from what i did:
[Extract .bnk (.wem files)]"em6200_media.bnk.2.x64" rename to "em6200_media.bnk"
Open that .bnk file with "Wwise Audio Utilites" (wwiseutil-gui.exe) and "Export Wems" to folder (e.g. "wems_folder").
[Convert .wem to .ogg]Extract "
WEM to OGG converter v0.24.rar" files to "wems_folder", run BAT and convert.
[Save .ogg to .wav]Open "051.ogg" with "Audacity" an do all edits.
"File>Export>Export as WAV" - 051.wav (most works WAV 16bit PCM - but other cases 32)
I even tried save meta data from opened .ogg file, and changed after edit - but looks like this have no effect.
Same for loop points, audio duration. All this stuff is in .bnk file, and needs hex edits.
[Convert .wav to .wem]Open "Wwise" and make new project "Project>New..." (Ctrl+N), put some "Name: ____".
"Project>Project Settings..." (Shift+K) and change to vorbis conversion:
[Source Settings]
>Conversion Settings
>Factory Conversion Settings
[v] Vorbis Quality High
"Project>Import Audio Files..." (Shift+i)
{Add Files...} select "051.wav" file and [Import].
(Don't need to change import settings "Import: Create new objects" and "Import as: Sound SFX")
"Project>Convert All Audio Files..."
"Platforms: Windows" and [OK].
(when you have saved "Project" check "
Automated WAV > WEM Conversion" method).
[Put new .wem file to .bnk]Grab new ".wem" file from "..\Documents\WwiseProjects\fafa\.cache\Windows\SFX", rename to "051.wem".
Open "Wwise Audio Utilites" and open .bnk file (if program closed).
Scroll till you found "051.wem" and left-click, [Replace] - select new "051.wem" file.
[Save] - SoundBank file (*.bnk)
Rename new .bnk file to original name ""em6200_media.bnk.2.x64".